1215. katea: Joao Capela-ren omenezko irratsaioa

1215. katea: Joao Capela-ren omenezko irratsaioa

Orain bi aste albiste txar bat eldu zitzaigun Portugal aldetik. Duassemicolcheiasinvertidas eta Da Monstra taldeetako baterijolea zendu baitzen bihotzeko arazo baten erruz. Aste hontan beraz 1215.katean omenaldi xume bat egingo diogu, izan ere Zumarragako jaietan Txoznetan eta Gaztetxean urrian jotzen izan genuen zarata eta soinuaren maitale hau.

Beraz ostegun hontan 19:00etan, ohiko orduan, kkinzona irratian izango gara, uhinen bidez, hitzen bitartez, musikare eta zarataren laguntzaz irratsaio berezi bat egiteko.

“All of us who are part of both the Associação Terapêutica do Ruído and  dUASsEMIcOLCHEIASiNVERTIDAS have the immense grief to inform that our friend João Capela – musician, poet, visual artist, noise therapist and drummer of dSCi, Da Monstra and many other projects – passed away last saturday due to heart problems.

Not all the words nor all the noise in the world could ever express the pain and dismay we find ourselves in. For the moment we’re only left with the silence and the unforgettable memories that live on us. In its due time we will try to return with a humble and heartfelt homage a fraction of what he gave us and left us as his legacy, which will only serve to celebrate the life of this friend and recall his absence…

Finally we would like to give a special thanks to all who have supported us in this difficult time and also a huge hug to all the family, all the friends and all those who were fortunate of knowing him…

We will never forget you!”

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