SÖRK talde suediarra asteartean KUn

SÖRK talde suediarra asteartean KUn

Suedia aldetik KUra datoz Sörk talde experimentaleko kideak. Bi emakume eta gizon batez osatutako talde honek, influentzia oso desberdinak era singular batean nahasten dituen proposamena dakar gurera.

Jarraian informazio pixka bat gehiago:

“The style of the band is based in post-punk traditions and the band does it in a nice way. The bass is pulsing and the drums steams like a rolling train. The voice of Magdalena and her interactions on the synthesizer, stylophone and trombone take care of the  experimental part of the music.” /Vital Weekly



+ info: http://surplusrecordings.se/artists/sork/

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